Friday, 6 January 2012

Lady bug*

There is so much things in life we don't see. Normally this kind of things is the things that is so tiny. My example today is the lady bug...

Some people believe that the lady bug is a kind of sign to people. A sign of goodness, inspiration and much more. I do believe when a lady bug flies onto you, just sitting on your shoulder or on your leg, it gives you happiness.

Yes, I know this seems so unreal, but if you see it this can happen. Maybe not now but later. Everything takes time. When last did you see a lady bug on you or near you? Did you hit the small lady bug or did you leave it? So each time you see a lady bug, don't be scared, be happy! 
*It's the small things in life we must count on...! xxx

1 comment:

Renette said...

Hi, Yes definetly. Every time I am at the swimming pool a small lady bug lands on my knee or shoulder. This red little bug with black spots is very scares in certain areas.